When using one of our apps for iPhone and/or iPad, send us an e-mail and inform us about the iOS version you are using, the iPhone or iPad version and which version of the app you have installed. Describe the problem in English where possible. Send the support request via our ticketing system.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Setup service
Our aviation software offers a lot a features and is highly configurable. We can help you getting started by configuring the system for you. That way you can lead off right away without having to worry about the system setup and configuration. Contact us. We would love to help you.
24/7 phone support
We offer 24/7 phone support to customers with a service agreement, but are always eager to answer your questions by e-mail as soon as we can. Submit a ticket using the form below.
Support Form
Request for more info
Contact Us
AeroPlus Aviation Software can be reached by e-mail at helpdesk@aeroplusaviation.com.
AeroPlus Aviation Software is an activity of Magnolia Blossom BV | Gasthuisstraat 16 | 6981 CS Doesburg | The Netherlands | KvK Registry of Commerce #66870690 | BTW/VAT # 856733179B01