Every day, Fixed-base operators (FBOs) and airport tower staff deal with lots of incoming and outgoing flights. AeroPlus supports them to keep track of the flight movements. With AeroPlus, it is easy to comply with regulatory requirements. Apart from the legal tracking, AeroPlus generates invoices for landings, parking, fuel and handling. AeroPlus Tower is a full featured solution for FBOs and Tower operators.
AeroPlus Tower software
AeroPlus Tower is either installed on a single computer in the tower or FBO office. Alternatively, AeroPlus Tower is deployed in a networked environment ,where each staff member has his or her own role.
Pilots pay per individual flight at the counter of the FBO or in the tower. Alternatively, costs can be accumulated to create compounded invoices, for example once per month. The embedded report-generator produces the information you need to provide to the authorities.
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The software interface is available in English, French or German. The invoices and reports generated can be in any of these languages. Reports can also be exported to Excel format or generated from AeroPlus Tower. The software is compliant with state regulations. The generated invoices can be linked to and integrated with your accounting system. We have standard support for accounting systems like the online accounting software Exact Online, but also for the French Ciel! accounting solution. If you have specific needs, let us know, so we can investigate the possibilities.
Single system or Network installation
AeroPlus Tower can easily be installed on either a Windows or a MacOS computer. AeroPlus Tower installs with just a few mouse clicks and is then ready to go. Ask us for a demo version of AeroPlus Tower. Alternatively, AeroPlus Tower can be installed in a network environment with a role-based implementation. Each team member performs his or her role. Controllers register flight movements. Employees working at the counter deal with the invoicing, payments and customer requests.
System requirements
Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium (XP with some limitations), Windows 8 or Mac OS X 10.8 or higher. For networked environments, you will need a Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2 (32-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit), Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2 (64-bit) or an OS X Mountain Lion and OS X Mountain Lion Server v10.8 (64-bit) server system.
Try out AeroPlus Tower for free
Contact us for additional information or online demo or for an installer for MacOS. You can als download a free trial version of AeroPlus Tower for Windows below. Make sure you install this on a PC with an up-to-date Windows operating system.
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